Shiruba PF60 , PF1000, XB2060 and XB2100 Hang on Back Filters
Hey, guys, welcome to the beautiful world of nature and its balance. Today, we are going to have a quick look at a few of the hang on back filters from Shiruba made in Taiwan.
I have here today from Shiruba Hang on back filter Shiruba PF60 Shiruba PF1000 Shiruba XB 2060 and Shiruba XB2100 all four of them are hang on back filters and comes with one year warranty in India.
Shiruba pf 60 comes with the flow rate of 60 litres per hour. Shiruba pf1000 comes with the flow rate of 720 litres per hour and Shiruba xb2060 comes with a flow rate of 400 litres per hour and Shiruba 2100 comes with the flow rate of 520 litres per hour.
So let’s quickly have a look at pf 60 and in the box we can see its written with a 60 litre per hour flow rate otherwise 15 gallons per hour. And let’s quickly unbox it and see.
This is the body of 60, the machine itself. It comes with a very sleek and transparent upper body with adjustable flow rate, all the models actually comes with this straner sponge which goes into the inlet
pipe, which is a savior for all your shrimps. In side the box, The Shiruba pf 60 comes with an extendable inlet pipe and a couple of sponges and the machine itself.
What we have here is the Shiruba PF 1000 , which comes at a flow rate of 720 litres per hour, as you can see, it’s quite a large hang on back filter. Again, the design is really slick and, It comes with a couple of filter media and sponges. And again, you can see the strainer sponge to save your shrimps.
This one is Shiruba XB 2060, a bit different from the PF model. out of the box. Again, you have the machine itself sponge and extension tube.
First up, you will see the design difference, this Shiruba XB model is actually a slimmer version than the PF model. Again, you have the flow rate adjustment and in the XB model, you actually have a cartridge where you can put your media and the sponges. And in this model, what happens is the water enters through the intake pipe and the motor takes it up and there is actually another inlet pipe which is connected to the cartridge, which allows the water to flow through the media before it exits into the tank.
The Shiruba XB 2100, its very similar to Shiruba XB 2060 model again, but we get the sponges and the filter inlet extension cables and the strainer sponge. In fact, the Shiruba XB 2100 and Shiruba XB 2060 models are exactly the same in design except that 2100 is a larger one.
Like I said, its design is pretty similar. But you have a large cartridge. Out here you get inlet pipe, which allows the water to actually flow through this cartridge before it exits and enter the tank.
So, guys, there are a lot of hang on, backfill those models available in the market, a lot of varieties,but if you are looking for an affordable, highly efficient filter, which comes with a warranty, Suraba, hang on back filters would be your choice.