AquaVascular Hardness Aid Pack – 2 is a combo pack of AquaVascular GH Booster(Calmg), KH Booster & AquaVascular GH Testkit and KH Testkit. Irrespective of the fertilizer you use, Aquavascular Hardness Aid Pack will help you master the water hardness and have the levels that suits your planted Tank.
Recommended Levels of GH and KH are: GH – 4-5dGH and KH – 3dKH
1. Aquavascular GH Booster (Calmg) (WATER CHANGE DAY)
Calcium and Magnesium restoration in water is very critical for your plants and other inhabitants. Aquavascular CalMAg GH Booster improves water chemistry by restoring calcium and magnesium. Very critical product for RO water. Establishes a well-balanced electrolyte system.
Maintaining 6-7 dGH or 40-45 ppm of calcium for stem plants in recommended.
10ml adds 1 dGH for 50litre water. Use weekly after water change.
2. AquaVascular KH Boost (WATER CHANGE DAY)
Carbonate Hardness is a measurement of the amount of carbonates and bicarbonates in water. It relates to the buffering property of water , which is how it keeps a stable environment for aquatics life. Aquavascular KH Boost keeps the acid-base balance in check. Additionally it avoids abrupt pH shifts and sustains dissolved CO2 (ppm) in relation to pH.
Maintaining the KH between 3-6dGH is desirable for planted aquariums.
5ml adds 1 dKH for 50L.
3. Aquavascular GH Test Kit is scientifically designed to give you the most accurate results .
4. Aquavascular KH test kit is scientifically designed to give you the most accurate results .
Note :
Shrimp & Fish Safe
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